Which tends to come first? I truly don't know, because considering the overlap on places like 4chan/8chan, Quora, and Reddit, I really wonder which the :le-pol-face: start with and which one is picked up later.

  • JuneFall [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Vulgar marxism incomming

    In addition where they have materially/socially hierarchies they will use them for personal gain and punishment and see nothing wrong with it. After all they are ordained to be in this position by "The Authority". At the same time infractions against they feel against that hierarchy are seen as infractions against them, i.e. when someone denies your abuse and overreach of hierarchy (examples include also fascist adjacent occupations / people, like teachers - who doesn't remember that one who was feeling insulted to the core when they were corrected?; the boss when you correct them on details of your contract?).

    Furthermore the research done in authoritarian personalities do show that fascists aren't just fascists cause the material conditions at one point in time are so that they are become fascists, but they carry a lot of seeds for it with them. Partially from their childhood and what social and material relations and Überbau/superstructure they experienced then, so not showing your kid that violence and obedience is the go to way is helpful. You might end up with :pete: if parents highlight liberal principles too much ("no violence") without having them be deconstructed in the child's experience.

    Still a lot of opportunists do become fascists and once one got there it is hard to get them out of it and to have restitutive justice. I find interesting how the petit bourgeosie (shop owners, some "skilled" labour aristocrats, middle rank soldiers) on one hand and some great capitalists - often of the national kind - were supporting the Nazis even though it wasn't popular among the majority, nor where they getting immediate material benefits from it, that only came later. The presentation to fix slights and other others though was there fast - as was the physical violence against people you don't align with.

    The important thing though is to keep in mind that the game (capitalism) makes those people. While the German Ideology says that the material conditions act on the individuals and the individuals act on the material conditions it isn't that you can just change the conditions alone - for that the actor of history; the working class; is needed.