Bye bitch
Normally I just laugh at this type of thing, but it's legitimately shitty that some of the people with the most difficult, stressful jobs in the US right now are also targeted by Q nutjobs
What they’re doing to nurses right now is fucking unbelievably cruel they can’t even get protected from assault at work ffs
787 billion for “defense” and not a fucking red cent for our nurses who are broken, exhausted and the only glue holding this ramshackle “healthcare” system together. Truly demonic country
Yeah, if they want to think nurses are killing their stupid asses, I'd like to see some nurses do just that. Fuck them.
Why does that man at the microphone look like a third of the customers at my job
How is Qanon still a thing? I mean wasn't the lore that Trump is Q and he's now gone?
They're a millennarian evangelical Protestant religious revival movement above everything else. They have beyond the need for Q or Trump.
Q claimed they were an official working in the White House and always spoke of Trump in the third person and them in the 1st, as a separate individual from Trump. ‘Trump is Q’ is a pretty fringe belief in their community that even the most out there qultists dismiss as farfetched
now its about the resurrection of robert f kennedy in dallas
The cabal still exists, i guess. But i wonder if they think Trump has a plan or whether he has been defeated...
Not arson victims, it's like if Fire Deniers attacked firefighters because one of their cultists self-immolated by accident.
wasn't there a firefighter who posted on facebook that he wouldn't respond to Black neighborhoods or something like that
of course that's not applicable here
I feel the fact that patients can access charts instantly now is also an issue. Our full name is on every note. I googled my name and to my shock my name dob phone number, address and nursing license number came up. It’s pretty terrifying when there are crazy’s out there. This is a huge issue
That’s utterly terrifying to consider. There’s a channel called Hospital Hostages that’s sharing specific hospitals to target—these are places where patients have been denied Ivermectin and HCQ and put on vents. That alone is enough to make me concerned.
Anyone know anything about this "Hospital Hostages" channel?