I lost my job right before covid hit and UI ran out a few months ago. Nearing my credit limit and really need money but I've also become radicalized to the point where IDK if I could submit myself to a (literal or figurative) burger-flipping job because
I am just completely unable to kiss ass, lie about being enthusiastic for a job, etc. Maybe this is in part cause autism and maybe in part cause
I come from a relatively privileged background, and never had to either kiss ass or work retail/food service, which are the only places hiring since I have no degree.
Also, I really don't wanna give myself covid and risk Long Covid, since my family won't literally be destitute if I don't get a job immediately, but I probably will get sick immediately given the case surge here in CA.
Oh yeah I'm also transitioning and rn have both noticeable breasts AND facial hair so. Any customer facing positions are completely out of the question (and most others probably too)
Oh yeah also I don't have consistent access to a car, and public transport, while pretty cheap, isn't very common or reliable.
IDK. what do
not really? I'm great at record keeping and cataloguing, but there's no job that's That And Nothing Else
Both of my jobs so far have actually been from CL, but all the ones that got back to me this time needed me to have a car because of scheduling
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if I had to pick a completely passionless rational career, I probably would, cause of the reasons you said and also my mom is one lol
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luckily I've never had a passion for anything
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Small businesses (eugh) often need people to do that, it could be worth checking any nearby small businesses that interest you and don't seem to be run by a horrible wannabe tyrant. For example an independent online vinyl store near me was looking for someone to basically just catalogue and spreadsheet stuff. Won't be likely to be much more than minimum wage, but it fits your criteria.
there's a used game store I applied to because I already had ideas on how to improve their inventory system just from looking at their price guides as a customer, but they never got back to me :(