
  • Circra [he/him]
    hace 3 años

    Huh. It really has been just super fucking weird to watch the US, Europe etc. Etc. Just utterly fuck up the entire pandemic, and I mean fail in almost cartoonish, slapstick fashion to deal with the challenge and then, point at China.

    Ffs, China has done super well with the pandemic. Even if you disagree on an ideological level with the Chinese govt you should be able to say 'yeah, we fucked up and they handled it far better than us.'

    And it's not even super hi tech either. A lot of their response is purely people powered esp in rural areas. China's not really doing anything that new, they're quaruntining people - quaruntine comes from late medievil Italian for fortnight, which was how long sailors had to stay on ship for during plague outbreaks so you'd be sure they weren't sick. Hardly cutting edge stuff really.

      • Circra [he/him]
        hace 3 años

        Good point! Look at all those oppurtunities for dealing with the after effects of COVID China is not exploiting. Hell, healthcare providers and pharma companies in the west are gonna have millions of people suffering long term effects of Covid to exploit for decades.

    • trabpukcip [he/him]
      hace 3 años

      i remember reading Sarum in the chapters the black plague rolled around and one of the main characters sequestered herself and her kids to a more remote farmstead and waited it out.

    • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
      hace 3 años

      Agreed. What is baffling is that among European governments some are supposed to be competent. And they handled the first two waves fairly ok. Even had a real lockdown for the first one. Now suddenly it's like they've given up.

      • Circra [he/him]
        hace 3 años

        Yeah it is strange. I think maybe it was a lack of will or infrastructure to commit to localised lockdowns?

      • Circra [he/him]
        hace 3 años

        Could be french not italian to be honest, it was a while ago I read it. Point is though, it's a strategy that's so old its name dates back centuries.

        Edit. Looked it up, apparently it is Italian but references a 40 day period not a fortnight as you said.