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  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Initial COVID vaccines will be rushed to market, but the rollout will be a disaster with large neoliberal nations falling way behind smaller, poorer ones in the proportion of the population vaccinated

    Turns out the neoliberal nations hoarded them and while the initial rollout wasn't that bad all things considered, the antivaxx movement has really reached heights I never thought it would back only a few years ago, and that, plus the lack of trust of governments, has really slowed things down to a halt in terms of the rollout today. So, half a point.

    A superior vaccine will be blocked by US/UK governments due to political considerations under the guise of safety or trade considerations.

    Basically, yeah.

    Governments will tout flat or only mild increases in unemployment numbers despite mass unemployment due to the masking effect from a massive increase in part-time unlivable-wage gig economy jobs.

    Well, yeah, but also the Great Resignation happened (and continues to happen) so that's an additional factor.

    Boris Johnson will resign as PM and the fawning media coverage of Kier Starmer will swing back to the new ‘sensible’ Tory ghoul who takes his place.

    Nope, but he's definitely closer to it than he's ever been.

    Cyberpunk 2077 will release to mixed reviews settling on a good but slightly meh average score around 80/100.

    It was initially mixed, and now sits at 86/100 on Metacritic. Good prediction.

    Space X will see more competition in the private space flight industry, with more private rocket launches than ever before.

    Kinda, with Jeff Bezos.

    A new animal will be discovered, but will be immediately endangered due to deforestation or dwindling sea life numbers.

    This probably happened but I never saw any news about it.

    The democrats will get slaughtered at the midterms and maybe Joe will be the lamest of ducks.

    Who knows yet, but Joe is already treating himself as a lame duck due to Manchin and his absolute refusal to wield any executive power whatsoever for any positive purpose. So this is already kinda true.

    Libs are going to continuously and increasingly demand from leftists to bench the terms “defund the police” and “socialist” in some brain dead PR-stunt to not offend right wingers, while justifying their own rightward shift, and theyre gonna get really fucking pissy when people refuse to do this ending up with some racist and classist shit spewing out of their fucking mouths.

    "Defund the police" as a slogan and any material impact of the BLM protests really petered out quickly so this basically happened, yeah. Libs getting more rightwing? Absolutely.

    covid kills half a million Americans

    Too few.

    over a million Americans will die from Covid

    Assuming we're talking about the actual figures, then yes.

    Global warming will accelerate

    A free space basically, but yep, the Texas power crisis was early on and there were heatwaves and fires and shit everywhere.

    One of the largest American city transit systems becomes fully privatized and replaced by an Uber rideshare-style model.

    Maybe? I don't live there so I wouldn't know. But Elon Musk's tunnel thing happened, so... half a point?

    Some big non-psyop OKC-style attack by right wing militia

    January 6th wasn't really that but it fits the general idea of the right wing getting jiggy with it.

    Henry Kissinger doesn’t die, somehow.

    Unfortunately, yes.

    Christman’s Law will continue to hold true

    It definitely keeps getting stupider.

    Bernie Sanders will die and will go unacknowledged by most Democrats as an incredibly inspiring figure.

    His baboon heart keeps ticking.

    Right wing media will become the ones who start to care about the virus while libs will either start to ignore it or downplay it

    The first is kinda true, but also kinda false. They've been locked into the "the virus doesn't exist but it's also made by China but it's also exaggerated by the Democrats but you can also cure it using viagra" mess. The latter, the libs downplaying coronavirus is definitely true with Omicron.

    My prediction: DSA hits 100 K members in February. (Hopefully)

    I'm not sure? They hit over 94,000 by July 2021, according to Wikipedia. Either way, not 100,000 by February 2021.

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, feel like I might have just been early on the Boris one but it could also continue to be "surely he can't survive this scandal? oh well, nevertheless".

      I didn't predict just how much of a shits how the Cyberpunk launch would be but got the right answer in the end anyway weirdly.

      More private space launches than ever before definitely came true.

      Lots of new species were discovered this year but this tiny chameleon has already been placed on the endangered species list due to deforestation.

      Not bad on the whole (despite many of them being depressing).