Hello fellow revolutonaries,

I am inviting you to the subreddit of great and authentic revolutionaries like yourself (and Hitler and Mussolini)

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  • Omega_Haxors [they/them]
    2 years ago

    I did get my answer later in the thread. Someone pointed out that there was an attack on a synagogue the day before. That and the language used in the meme was kinda funky.

      • Omega_Haxors [they/them]
        2 years ago

        Yeah, I know that. I was making the point that it felt like the OP wasn't using the term in good faith.

        It's like when redditors say "No we mean the Chinese government" when they're really just using it as plausible deniability to be racist.

        The fact they banned me and the guy pointing out the history of Zionism being used as a dogwhistle is painting a really gross picture. The downvotes? Whatever, I can live with that. Sometimes my posts are fat Ls.