I can't both manage my base and command an army, it's just too complicated :kitty-cri-screm:

  • NotARobot [she/her]
    2 years ago

    in the newest age of empires there was (maybe still is?) a way you could get ranged units to have a faster rate of fire by clicking on a unit and then clicking away to retreat for like half a second and then clicking again. Strategy lmao

    • furryanarchy [comrade/them,they/them]
      2 years ago

      There are also several units that are designed to only be used this way, and are literally worthless if you don't constantly do bullshit like that. Which are in turn countered by your opponent hitting the button even faster than you are.

      This leads to the fun gameplay of constantly watching this one unit to make sure you are hitting the button fast enough, and if you blink or look away for the wrong three seconds you lose your entire formation of said unit. Said unit is also the only effective counter to infantry spam that doesn't lose you just as much resources as it took your enemy to build said infantry.