Sorry if this is a foolish question, but it's hard to know what's accurate information and what's get-back-to-work-you-peon style propaganda.

An elderly couple I've known for a long time and sometimes do yardwork for asked me to come help them clear out a closet in their house. They recently survived covid. Amazingly, the wife who has Alzheimer's was asymptomatic but in constant and close presence to the husband who definitely had symptoms. They didn't test her, but assume she was just really lucky. They both were fully vaccinated and had the booster. The husband who did have all the symptoms, even difficulty breathing for a couple days fortunately recovered with no apparent lingering problems.

I told my housemate who is also elderly and diabetic that I was going to go over and help out cleaning out the closet. My housemate is isolating as much as they possibly can (and me along with them), like zero contact, and they don't want me to go, potentially exposing myself and then them. But the couple who asked me to help out have now been asymptomatic for more than 10 days. So going now to help them out should be the safest time right? I want to encourage my housemate that it should be fine, but I honestly don't know and the last thing I want to do is repeat CNN talking points about how we have nothing to worry about.