iThinkImDumb [any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2020


  • cw: addiction, suic-dal ideation, self hatred, etc.

    I'm too drunk to even post coherently (autocorrect saves me from misspellings). I have been one a binge for the last few days. I can't think straight. I am so far gone. I don't want to continue. I know there is work to be done but I can't do it. Pathetic. And I don't think it will stave off collapse of humanity anyway so who gives af. I want to help delay the inevitable but I can't even get out of my disgusting bed with all the bloodstains from cutting myself and then passing out. I think I'm near my end. If so I want it to happen. I want out of this life. I think I'm dumb. I've been alone for a long time and alone I'm going to die. I'm selfish for caring whether I die alone. I'm so lonely.

  • There was a thread recently about most lib movies. This isn't a movie, but an HBO show I've been trying to watch. Gentleman Jack. A fucking disgusting libfest. Lesbians = good, and yeah we can agree on that. But The protagonist is a despicable land-owning rentier, exploitational capitalist. The show (justly) encourages viewers to cheer on her gall and wit in the face of bigotry wrt to sexuality, but without missing a beat, it also demands that we all accept the protag's bourgeoisie, disgusting place in a disgusting hierarchy during the peak of British colonialism. :stalin-stressed:

  • Ok, that makes a lot more sense, thanks. The way I see it being spun by media of course is that Mexico is footing the bill for US aggression against them. So USians can smugly gloat "ha ha Mexico, you bent over for us once Trump was out of office." Still pretty gross if it will impede migrant people, even if Mexico views it as supposedly positive infrastructure.

  • Phew. I always cringe at myself no matter what I do, so it's hard to know. ... Anyway. I wouldn't say it's a coincidence at all. I'd say there's a very good sociological, even socioeconomic reason that queer media is right now superior in its... human authenticity. It has had no choice but to break free of many of the shackles imposed on "straight, cis" media that has to adhere to conformity and rigidity that only holds back, only stifles the range of human expression. I mean, think of how much of a taboo there was on men crying for fuck's sake. Queer media recognizes that men crying is... um... the reality of being an emotional human being. There's a gazillion other examples of course, but that one came to mind because I cried tonight. But I'm a man. And I felt that tension, deep within myself about how I shouldn't be crying. Fortunately I can recognize that program and try to counter it and remind myself I'm not a pathetic loser of a man because I cried. Even though it's a struggle to tell myself that. The thing is, queer media reminds me of that. Queer media tells me that I'm no less of a person, if anything, I'm more in touch with my humanity, despite what the usual straight, cis media would tell me about my cringey pathos. It's no wonder I gravitate towards queer media even as a straight, cis man. It's still telling me the truth about who I am as a person, even when I've been lied to by other media for most of my life. I love my queer and my trans comrades and I am forever indebted to them for suffering the brunt of the social backlash, even as all of us benefit even those of us who are cis and straight, from their reshaping of social boundaries.

  • I completely identify and I don't think there's anything wrong with your brain. I think a big part of it has to do with how saturated overall culture is with toxic masculinity. It's seeped down to the very marrow of the bones of popular entertainment and it's impossible to scrape it all out without also taking out the foundation of the media in question. Queer entertainment has made massive strides in progress away from that toxicity because it has had to, understandably and for obvious reasons. But then that leaves the cis stuff still rife with it. So those of us who reject all the toxins find solace and actual decent, non-toxic entertainment only in the explicitly queer. So it's no wonder that even we straight, cis men, who have an interest in consuming genuinely human, non-toxic entertainment, find ourselves gravitating towards the only places where that's genuine - queer entertainment. Even for straight cis people, queer culture is the vanguard of all heartfelt and truly based culture.

    (But I'm drunk and a perpetual idiot so I probably said some cringe.)

  • China is doing heckin’ 1984 over there by doing the right thing and trying to save lives at the expense of The Line

    I was telling a family member I fully support China's efforts to contain covid for their people and while this person agreed it was terrible that the US and West just gave up and didn't do shit to help the situation, they went into how China was going way too far. They said that people were killing themselves, that some famous singer jumped out of their hi-rise home to their death, that there was footage of people screaming and crying just wanting to go out. Of course I knew this was all bullshit, but I hadn't even been exposed to this kind of news so I didn't know how to counter it other than to say it was bullshit. I got the person I was talking with to admit that the MSM has a vested interest in demonizing China, and they agreed that there was probably too much focus on the worse aspects but insisted "all of that is still real even if it's not like that everywhere. There really are people going insane from isolation and committing suicide because of the extreme lockdowns China is imposing on its people." It was frustrating because I felt on the verge of getting them to see it was bullshit, but due to my own ignorance of what they were even talking about, I couldn't call it out for what it was. Not in the same way I could for say the Ghost of Kiev or the reality of Snake Island.

  • Oh nice, I remember Khan Academy when learning calculus years ago and liking his teaching style. That's great he/they do a series on economics. I realize so much of what is taught as economics now is bullshit and any Marxist critique is pushed aside and ignored, that's why it was hard to know where to start when learning about these things. Thanks.