edit: updated with archive link - https://archive.is/k4koX

  • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    2 years ago

    I think these people literally just take news at face value. Whenever some guerilla force is reportedly "wiped out" usually just means they successfully escaped and hid in the jungle or whatever

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It's a very curious thing. My theory is that 4channers and other internet chuds are stuck in a bubble where they simultaneously want to be perceived as free thinkers and sometimes try to reach different conclusions than the mainstream conclusions for the sake of wanting to appear smarter, but they're also only willing to use facts given to them by the media and surrounding corporations, as well as the alphabet boys, and conspiracy theories built by absolute morons. So it's a weird place where they can only try to reach an edgier worldview with the same facts as the general public (or those gathered from outright conspiracies with no basis in reality) and are never able to realize that the US is actually the supervillain of the world.

      • Tervell [he/him]
        2 years ago

        There's definitely an element of that. I guess it's a combination of intellectual laziness and delusional self-confidence, causing them to refuse to actually read anything while having absolutely no doubt that all their conclusions are smart and logical - it's like when :jordan-eboy-peterson: went to the debate with Zizek without even bothering to read up on literally anything on socialism. After all, if you're such a super-genius who understands life and chaos dragons, why would you need to study, a wikipedia summary should be more than enough for anything.

        The other day we had this thread, where someone brought up how so much of the bullshit rationalists come up with is them rediscovering incredibly basic philosophy/theology, except since they don't actually read anything it seems new and revolutionary to them. Look at this this monumentally stupid twitter thread about game theory, or Yudkowsky's various moments. These people just refuse to actually read anything, but pretend like they're intellectual gods.