Hooboy it started with one camo pattern Q bumper sticker and now there are road signs and more bumper stickers each day!!!

Conspiracy theories are a psy op to channel/co opt/limited hangout a the fucked up shit the imperialist war machine known as America.

  • kacwawa [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    If you truly still believe that clintons child sex ring isn't real, then all I have to tell you is that you are absolutely an idiot. The only psy op was the Feds pushing pizza gate shit and sending that smooth brain to hold up Cosmo pizza.

    The Feds have done this countless of times and there are documents to prove that they would release disinformation to make everyone who believed something look like an absolute loon. Now not saying Qanon itself is true, like some "insider" is giving cryptic messages on 4 chan, okay there. But the actual stuff that is in that web of stupidity has solid grounding.

    Now all the goobers on here can cackle, about the "chuds" as they believe that elites are fucking kids. They are, there is tons of proof behind it, unless you truly believe Epstein was the only one and he was catching, transporting, doing everything alone. A clock is right twice a day

    • TillieNeuen [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Q anon isn't about elites fucking kids, it's about distracting you from the elites who really are fucking kids.

      • kacwawa [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        You could make that case, but I also think as a group gets pushed to the outskirts, the community starts to get filled with the most extreme individuals. Qanon has now diverged so far from the actual topics that now there is talk about necromancers and stuff like that.

        • TillieNeuen [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I don't think you understand Q Anon. Here's a quick rundown of things they believe: Hilary Clinton and Huma Abedin were caught on video sexually assaulting a child, killing her, and then wearing her face as a mask (the frazzledrip video, which does not exist). They think that even though adrenochrome is actually a drug that exists, if you get it fresh from the source (a terrified child), it will grant you eternal youth. This, not wealth and the health benefits it gives, is why the rich and powerful tend to look younger and live longer, healthier lives. Trump was only friends with Epstein because he was deep undercover and working to annihilate the deep state from within.

          But most importantly, the one thing Q Anon asks of you is to "trust the plan." You don't have to actually do anything, because Trump has everything under control. All these pedophiles are either already secretly arrested and imprisoned in Gitmo while being replaced by body doubles so we don't all spiral into chaos because our wee little brains couldn't handle the idea of deep corruption. Or they will be arrested tomorrow! (And tomorrow I'll say it's still tomorrow, on until infinity.)

          Have the Clintons fucked kids? Oh, absolutely. They're the scum of the earth. But Q Anon is an insane distraction from reality, and the ultimate in slacktivism. Just trust the plan and keep "baking" those "breadcrumbs."

            • TillieNeuen [she/her]
              4 years ago

              I wrote it because, like I said, it sounds like you don't understand Q Anon.

                • TillieNeuen [she/her]
                  4 years ago

                  Well, I didn't think we disagreed until you replied to my post that Q Anon is a distraction from actual crimes. That made me think that maybe you needed some more information. Sorry if that made you sad!

                  • kacwawa [none/use name]
                    4 years ago

                    Lol, dw, I was just being a twat for the fun of it. Thank you tho. I'll edit my comments to be nicer

      • kacwawa [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        At this point qanon is dangerous as fuck. Go read r/qanoncasualties. It is really becoming the sort of mysticism that fascism in america was lacking to truly become like European 30s fascism.

        You can find that in any community if you look deep enough and people with mental illnesses gravitate towards these types of topics. Even before Trump, people like this existed and it only got attention now since Trump is connected to it. Like fuck, even in my youth we had people I knew who would talk about ww2 forest spirits, cabals, etc.

          • kacwawa [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            Rallies mean nothing. There are bigfoot hunter expos and people who believe in alien spirits who talk to them and they have pretty substantial gatherings. Do I think that Qanon is gonna become a political force, no, it's niche internet lunacy that only gets coverage because Trump and the media loves Trump. In my next of the woods, militias have training camps and smuggle weapons and they aren't even a political force

    • quartz242 [she/her]
      4 years ago

      We agree comrade. The point of my post was to state how tragically humorous qanon is, precisely because I know that some aspects are based in reality.

      There is a tangible connection between the super wealthy and widespread abuse of children. It comes with the territory of capitalism, everything becomes commodified even innocence, other wise the hurt core industry wouldnt exist.

      What I'm saying is a psy op; the purposeful utilization of culture war via qanon to take those legitimate criticisms of the barbarism of capitalism co opting it into a convoluted & nonsensical narrative so that it loses any meaning, impact, and momentum.

      • kacwawa [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        You can say it's capitalism, but if you in the know, lots of people are fucking kids, rich, poor, whatever. It's a problem that is widespread. The abundance of pornography for younger and younger children is also desensitizing them towards sex so they keep looking for more taboo.

        In ten years, society is gonna be talking about how we should be understanding of pedophiles rather then just eliminating them.

        • quartz242 [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Right and I am arguing that is because of the capitalism be it sexual commodities or other ones.

          I do not think that it is human nature to abuse children.

          I think it is also a cyclical consequence of abuse, trauma, abuse as well as the desensitization that occurs from pornography which is the commodification of human physiology & sexuality.

          Im not an expert but I've been told by those that are that therapy reduces recidivism rates in sex offenders, so maybe you arent far off in your prediction.

          But I wouldn't go so far as to execute anyone that asks for help dealing with that, are you suggesting those with POCD are irredeemable?

          Im not apologizing for abusers at all, only stating that with many big things there is room for nuance.

          Little st.james enablers can diaf for all I care but I dont agree with doomer takes regarding humanity.

          • kacwawa [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            Do I think it's human nature, no, it's a combination of learned behavior and also some people are just born broken. Whether their continued existence in society is even worth the risk is a topic, as a lead in the head would be more valuable to the greater good. But then again, I am biased on this topic. I had someone close to me be affected by it and had one try to molest me in my youth but I put them into a coma. From that event, some anger issues arose and also dislike of homosexuals, but I have gotten over most.

            • quartz242 [she/her]
              4 years ago

              Sorry to hear that, I experienced similar things in my youth but wasnt able to defend myself. Sounds like a difference in world view & mindset regarding humanity. Those that commit abusive acts deserve what you describe. Not to diminish your experience but the conflation of homosexuality with child abusers is a right wing/capitalist wedge to divide us.

              Only thing I wanna add is that if you can help via therapy and/or other means BEFORE the person abuses, builds into the greater good.