My wife just got a Twitter handle and was looking for a good way to get news from leftist sources/perspectives, and anything else cool. Any good accounts come to mind? I’m kind of new to Left Twitter too so would love some recs. She isn’t like a full on communist yet but a solid socialist, so to speak, still like building her base of knowledge so would probably be turned off to any hardcore/outright theory accounts. Obvs any anarchist stuff welcome too. But yeah, just looking to give her a solid list to start with. Thanks for the help!

  • News/events orgs, journalists, people with good critical takes, etc
  • Funny people
  • Community outreach/mutual aid (+1 for PNW stuff)
  • Female voices, could be funny, feminist, anything really
  • BIPOC and LGBTQ+ perspectives
  • International news
  • She likes dance, forests, art, movies, etc
  • Anything else!
  • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    I highly recommend just searching Twitter's search function for the names of like 5 animals you like, and just following a few dozen "animal every hour" and "animal every day" accounts. Social media is at its best when it is hundreds of uninterrupted animal pictures and nothing else at all.

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    2 years ago

    GrimKelly does and posts a lot about strikes, unions and labor stuff. She writes a lot of articles too. Just popped into my head first.

    But for sure also recommend both guys from Citations Needed, adamjohnsonNYC and WideAsleepNima. They both post a lot of good stuff and take downs.

    Also really recommend EqualityAlec, he posts some really good media critiques as well and also pokes holes in a lot of Copaganda among other things.

    • newmou [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Awesome I’ll add these to the list, thanks!

    • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      a few recent tweets

      he's like trump but with less influence

      • newmou [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Yeah I “love” Greg Kelly’s INSIGHT and PERSPECTIVE on “current events”

  • blobjim [he/him]
    2 years ago

    @FalconryFinance. @evoespueblo. @DiazCanelB. @BrunoRguezP. @freedomrideblog. teleSUR English. presstv. Global Times. Chen Weihua. Any Chinese Embassy person account (they're basically all in English). roun_sa_ville. Jordan Uhl. Anybody with Cuba/ China/Russia (for getting other views)/whatever sponsored media (except for russia maybe)/government officlal. @DSA_Intl_Comm. @vijayprashad. @yashalevine. @Real_Xi_Jinping. @FAIRmediawatch. @GETchan_YouTube (left wing music). @CarlBeijer. @mfa_russia. @yanisvaroufakis.

  • riley
    8 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    A few of my favorites:

    @ParaDoomer - Aaron Thorpe (from A Time of Monsters, Trillbilly Worker's Party)
    @mechapoetic - good poster
    @andersleehere - Anders Lee (from Pod Damn America)
    @bigmoodenergy - Transportation / urbanism, Makes YouTube videos about trains
    @kimpossiblefacts - powerful shitposter
    @GalaxyPeaBrain - Periodically makes funny videos about the Twitter main character / discourse of the day
    @disco_socialist - Gay comrade dragging liberals
    @zei_squirrel - Good agitator, digs up old media and quotes regularly, a bit obsessed with Noam Chomsky, but not in a cringe way
    @queeralamode - solid anti-imperialist poster, affiliated with Mint Press News
    @nickwestes - Host of the Red Nation podcast
    @lib_crusher - comrade shitposter
    @as_a_worker, @jamie_elizabeth - Sean and Jamie, hosts of The Antifada podcast
    @HeerJeet - A liberal journo but makes interesting posts
    @Chinchillazllla - Very powerful shitposter who has recently acquired the means of pigpoopballs production
    @existentialcoms - Existential Comics
    @china_takes - Like the_dunk_tank but for China specifically
    @BenjaminNorton - Journalist at The Gray Zone
    @maximillian_alv - host of Working People, Editor at TheRealNews
    @Vinncent - Vincent Bevins, author of The Jakarta Method
    @yashalevine - Yasha Lavine
    @WideAsleepNima, @adamjohnsonNYC - Hosts of Citations Needed podcast
    @EliValley - gruesome political cartoonist
    @YaBoiHakim - Iraqi physician, youtuber and podcaster
    @OnAuthorityBot - extremely sectarian (to the point of comedy IMO) shitposting bot