Happy Roadkill :collusion: :cryptocurrency: :hopium:
Existential Comics
Carl Zha on sky news defending his depiction of Australian soldiers
(watch it its really good lol)
Political cartoons with elder God characteristics. Really like "pretender god" and "herd immunity". Reminds me of this essay
If Eli, Brace, and me were all at a table - people would think Eli and I were brothers and one of us was Brace's dad. How old is Brace anyway? About 30?
Can you see me now? Where's the cam? I'm freaked out. Haha.
I googled Eli and he's a bit younger than me but I think the math works. I'm not sure who Brace's mom is in that case but let's not go there.
Mr. Fish sometimes has bangers but usually he is too wordy and somewhat lib. (He does editorial cartoons for Scheerpost, which has taken up a lot of the former contributors to Truthdig.)