I know this is Hasan's reaction to the debate between Shaprio and (bleak) Destiny, but I really don't want to watch this video on either of those morons' uploads, so here's the timestamp: 2:35:43

Now what do I mean by Shaprio making an actual Italian fascist's comment: I recall someone posting a link in regards to Italy's apartheid and genocide of Ethiopia in the 30's, and in that essay (article?) the writer mentioned an actual university student's demands of the Italian government that they not spend one Italian life killing the (if I recall the word he used correctly) beasts of Ethiopia. Shaprio is here saying that Israel shouldn't be playing so loose with their soldiers in Gaza.

These awful scumbags aren't trying to echo the words of fascists, but fascism is so deeply ingrained in them it just comes out naturally and they sound like fascists of old.

If anyone has a link to the article I mentioned, please post it here for folks to read it; honestly more people should read about the atrocities Mussolini committed in Ethiopia.

  • bestesttrash [she/her]
    8 months ago

    I tuned out as soon as the host referred to destiny as “left wing”