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    • ZachWilsonGOAT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      what my (trotskist) history teacher told me is that Paraguay was being able to develop itself into the first regional power in South America. England didn't like that and pushed their vassal states (Brazil especially) into war against them to halt their progress.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      2 years ago

      All the dipshits baited Paraguay, it wasn't an expansionist move, they made a move in the Uruguay civil war after Brazil had made a move.

      And even if it was an expansionist move, it would have been great if they succeded, the Paraguay government wanted to industrialize the region, fucking Paraguay had the most industry at the time including their own fucking railways. But industries are a big no-no for the liberals ruling Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, cuz that would made their masters (UK and France) upset.