ZachWilsonGOAT [he/him]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2022

  • Mounting volume... NTFS signature is missing.
    Attempting to correct errors... NTFS signature is missing.
    Failed to startup volume: Invalid argument
    NTFS signature is missing.
    Trying the alternate boot sector
    The alternate bootsector is usable
    Set sector count to 1953259519 instead of 1953488895
    Rewriting the bootsector
    The boot sector has been rewritten
    ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup_warn: magic: 0xaaaaaaad size: 1024 usa_ofs: 21846 usa_count: 21845: Invalid argument
    Record 0 has no FILE magic (0xaaaaaaad)
    Failed to load $MFT: Input/output error
    Volume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk.

    i'm guessing the last time windows crashed my broken SSD also corrupted my HD? nothing to be done other than trying a fresh install of another OS and hope it works, right?

    i'm actually kind of wondering if it's actually my hard drive that's bunk and not my SSD, but that'd be odd. as i mentioned earlier i can mount the ssd and check files. at the same time i don't think Windows wouldn't load because a secondary drive is corrupt. guess i'll unplug the hard drive later and report back what happens.

    thank you so much for your help thus far! if you could PM me with a paypal or something i'd love to buy you a coffee as a thanks for the time you put into this. i really do appreciate it a lot.

  • ok, it gave me this

    NTFS signature is missing.
    Failed to mount '/dev/sda2': Invalid argument
    The device '/dev/sda2' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
    Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
    partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?

    this is how the disk and the partition show in the Ubuntu 'Disks' program., not sure if that helps or not. i don't know much but it does look odd.

  • holy shit my bad, im kinda sleepy

    on the 2nd command you mentioned it gives me this:

    mount: /mnt/windows: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

    i tried mounting both the entire drive and just mounting the partition i want

  • is there any disadvantage to deleting the hibernation file? would i have to boot into windows to do that or would i be able to do that in Ubuntu? could you at least walk me through on mounting it as read-only? i'm not sure there's anything i really need to back up from that drive but i'd rather be safe than sorry.

  • the weird thing is that in Ubuntu i can mount the SSD which is the one with the problem and the Windows installation. the hard drive should be fine in theory but i'm not being able to mount it. i can actually go into Windows every few boot attempts but it generally crashes in 10 minutes or so, so i wouldn't be able to backup my files.

    would secure boot be interfering with my hard drive even if it isn't the one with the windows installation?

    greatly appreciate the reply!

  • can anyone help me or point me in the right direction?
    my SSD where Windows was installed is corrupted and pretty much useless (tho i can access its files) so i got Ubuntu installed in a USB stick to backup whatever i had on my hard drive so i can format it and do a fresh install of Windows on it, but i'm not being able to mount the hard drive and access its files, idk why.
    any help would be appreciated :Care-Comrade:

  • ZachWilsonGOAT [he/him]tochapotraphouseHoly shit lmao
    2 years ago

    yeah, people are way too overhyped on her. she's a good athlete and as you said it's funny to see everyone having a meltdown over it, but it's probably the biggest neolib maneuver ever. she correctly sees the US as a sinking ship and China as an emerging giant and wants to build her brand in the most effective way possible.
    this is the kinda shit that China needs to root out in the coming decades or else they risk having a population that does not care about people but only their treats.

  • i don't think any growing communist party would agree with your 2nd point to be honest. doing shit like that without any type of organization behind it is adventurism and serves no purpose other than being an escape valve for the anger that people feel but which achieves very little. besides, shit like this spooks people who are 'outsiders' but sympathetic to the movement and are afraid of getting hurt and/or arrested. it's also probably bad optics.

    in my little experience organizing you do everything possible to keep newer people safe so that they don't feel scared, unprotected or anything of the sort. if they feel that way they won't come back.

  • ZachWilsonGOAT [he/him]tochapotraphouseHoly shit lmao
    2 years ago

    honestly if she's not a communist or at least someone who is very critical of American foreign policy i fail to find a reason why she would choose to compete for China other than opportunism.

  • it is kinda cringe to say that but if there i ever an appropriate moment to say it, it's when talking about people like the /r/antiwork mods. had a huge platform of frustrated workers and managed not only to not radicalize people but to blow up their own platform as well.

  • ZachWilsonGOAT [he/him]tonews*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    what my (trotskist) history teacher told me is that Paraguay was being able to develop itself into the first regional power in South America. England didn't like that and pushed their vassal states (Brazil especially) into war against them to halt their progress.

  • ZachWilsonGOAT [he/him]tothe_dunk_tank*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Reddit only pretends to care about sports when it fits the narrative of the State Department. Sochi '14, Rio '16, Russia WC '22, Beijing '22, Qatar WC '22. Reddit is gonna be unbearable in February and December.

  • yeah, i only reuse them 5 times because i don't really have a shortage of masks and i don't need to go out all that often, so if i were to reuse it over five times one single mask would probably last over a month. that and i'd rather be cautious with the wear on the masks i use as i'm a bit of a hypochondriac lol
    i appreciate the link, tho i don't live in the US, so it's not all that useful for me. you should definitely make an actual post with it though, with the omicron surge and what not.

    kinda crazy to see 3M masks for that cheap, they are pretty expensive where i live. every time i see someone wearing one i immediately think "they must be pretty well off" lol