Summary of the ways Israel is still not allowed to do genocide:

  1. Israel must take all measures to prevent any acts that could be considered genocidal - killing members of a group, causing bodily harm, inflicting conditions designed to bring about the destruction of a group, preventing births
  2. Israel must ensure its military does not commit any genocidal acts
  3. Israel must prevent and punish any public comments that could be considered incitement to commit genocide in Gaza
  4. Israel must take measures to ensure humanitarian access
  5. Israel must prevent any destruction of evidence that could be used in a genocide case
  6. Israel must submit a report to the court within one month of this order being given

This was after reading into the official record a litany of evils which they seem to be accepting as undisputed facts.

  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
    5 months ago

    Israel must submit a report to the court within one month of this order being given

    bart writing on the chalkboard 'i will not commit genocide'

  • Vampire [any]
    5 months ago

    I was expecting them to say if Israel's guilty or not.

    It's like if I was on trial for shoplifting and the judge ruled, "I think you shouldn't shoplift"

    Law is weird.

    • drinkinglakewater [he/him]
      5 months ago

      That's not what this case was for, it was to establish that there's possibly genocide and that other nations signatory to the genocide conventions must take action to prevent possible genocide.

      Actual charges of genocide will need an investigation and lengthy court process.

      Edit: just to be clear, I mean from the legal sense about "possible genocide" in that it hasn't been proven in a court. The genocide is obviously happening

    • glans [it/its]
      5 months ago

      You can't make a case definitive of genocide in 1 hour which is how long South Africa had.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Israel must submit a report to the court within one month of this order being given

    Place your bets:

    1. Scandal after it's revealed Israel used ChatGPT to write the entire thing, but nothing happens because they aren't a teenager at school

    2. It's just a bunch of screeching about how making them write a report on their ongoing genocide is antisemitic

  • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    this is a historical win , stop you "Sad Framing" .. israel was found to do a proable Genocide (by 15-2 with 1 beeing Israeli) and its fucking president is Evidence Number 1 "they are Animals" , its Prime Minister Number "2" (Amalek) etc.. .. and other great stuff , this is a great win ! . the Ceasefire thing is spin !

    , how could they order a Ceasefire when Hamas as not release the Hostages ? This Ruling basiclly allready stops German Weapon deliverys to just name one example .. they are now 100% unlawfull .. since Israel stand now Plausible Accuest of Genocide in front of Humanity. I dont know how the Danes do it but germany might not be the only nation that has a clause like this in its Export laws ...

    Please Enjoy a 15-2 Ruling against OFFICALLY Genocidel Israel ,at least as much as the Ugandan Judge will enjoy his new Villa ...

    the Breach is there !

    • glans [it/its]
      5 months ago

      stops German Weapon deliverys to just name one example .. they are now 100% unlawfull .

      how's that?

      his new Villa

      Her new villa

      • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
        5 months ago

        §6 - Versagung der Genehmigung - Forbidden Exports

        (3) Die Genehmigung ist zu versagen, wenn : / Not okay if :

        1. (...)

        2. Grund zu der Annahme besteht, daß die Erteilung der Genehmigung völkerrechtliche Verpflichtungen der Bundesrepublik verletzen oder deren Erfüllung gefährden würde,

        3. " There is reason to believe that granting the approval would violate the Federal Republic's obligations under international law or jeopardize their fulfillment"

          • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
            5 months ago

            its also signed the Genocide Convention so it should be a really clear case . Obviously germany is absolutly mad with fascism currently so no guarentees ,but it oppens te Path to clear possible future prosecution and therefore will scare all the carrier animals ..

            its a Watershed moment because Career Animals that consitute goverment are now put on notice anywhere and all their future support from know on (Material and Speech , as the Evidence of the Herzog speech shows) is pretty easy to prosecute .. now their is not only "Benefit" for them Personally with towing the Zionist line ,.. but also Personal Risk ... and they are carrier animals .. the Instincte therefore will Scream: "Distance yourself" & "Put some Quotes out there to get some Plausible Deniablitiy"

            at least we can hope so.. But its not a Desperate Hope..


  • RION [she/her]
    5 months ago

    THIS IS NOT WHAT I ASKED FOR FOR MY BIRTHDAY 😡 but I'll take it I guess

    Israel must submit a report to the court within one month of this order being given

    What're the next steps if they either don't submit the report or are found to have not sufficiently carried out the provisions? Their PM has already said "we won't let the Hague stop us", so something tells me they won't let the Hague stop them

    Also is there any mechanism for other states to provide proof that Israel is not abiding by the measures? Or will the ICJ just be taking Israel at their word with no other input

    • glans [it/its]
      5 months ago

      According to all media I have had exposure to the enforcement is "diplomatic" and "moral".

      If the court finds in 4-6 weeks that they have failed to comply with the order, but no major nation/military steps up to enforce, then are smaller groups "allowed" to engage in guerilla measures on behalf of the ICJ? Certainly not?

  • Deadend [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I’m honestly shocked that the official stance went far enough to say Israel isn’t perfect.

    The way the Zionists are going insane with rage in response is even more telling.