• vccx [they/them]
    2 years ago

    America would have shipped its production elsewhere if concessions weren't made. There's a reason Mao invited Deng back into the party, and why Deng enshrined Mao Zedong thought instead of repudiating it like Kruschev.

    The point of contention is whether the Communists will be able to retain control of the State, public ideology and the strategic sectors of the economy through the accumulation stage of development.

    The value of the technology exchanges can't be overstated, most of the world's most advanced means of production are currently in the hands and territory of Communists because of that gamble. China can't be encircled, isolated and destroyed without taking the capitalist world along with it.

    The Maoist path to victory was probably foreclosed by the Sino Soviet split and especially once the revisionists under Kruschev succeeded Stalin and Lenin's faction.

    • badtakes [he/him]
      2 years ago

      "enshrined Mao Zedong thought", yeah as in immediately betraying Mao after his death, denounce the cultural revolution and completely twisting Mao's theory and praxis. It's enshrined alright, but only a perverted version.