They have a twitter with deleted crypto retweets.

They run this sub which is some gamer sub for LoL.

Some posts in there are suspicious, they allow posts attacking lgbt people

They post quite obviously negatively about fatphobia

They post explicitly transphobic things, they call people "soyboys".

They use the term sigma and beta A LOT.

Calls people deg*nerates

Haha +socialcredit points!

Has financebro posts.

More financebro shit

There's even more financebro shit I can't be bother screening because I'm getting bored of looking at this account.

I do not think this subreddit should be promoted in any way whatsoever, and I really think it should be actively fought against.

  • gringosoldier [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    I can't be sure when you censor the first name, but I'm pretty sure you've got the wrong guy: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8Qbmagu3Or4J:https://www.facebook.com/razer/photos/call-the-banners-winter-is-here/10156464843647576/

    Search for "riopel" and you'll see the other mod mentioned. Riopel also loves Razer products and they both love Game of Thrones.

    • gringosoldier [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Futher confirmation can be found by searching their name and "CIBC." If these two are truly genuine, I doubt they realize what the implications are for them personally as visible figures. Even more precarious is their status as bank employees. Capital will find a way to grind their bones into dust.

      • gringosoldier [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        It seems they're at least demsocs, though I admit I'm not well-acquainted with modern Québécois politics: https://mouvement.quebecsolidaire.net/equipes/151/union-progressiste