You've hit the nail on the head, media is trying to act as they are representatives, which they - as anarchists do - categorically reject. It sure does look to me that the media is painting a false narrative to stir shit in the community and people are lapping it up uncritically.
I'm defending them because they already owned up to it, because the whole debacle isn't worth this much and because if you looked at the sub it's very clear that the wholr drama is generated from outside by people who never posted on the sub but clearly aren't happy with anything but the current mods chased away and replaced by... Well i am willing to bet my ass that whomever they'd be replaed with wouldn't even bother to pay lip service to anarchist ideas, but i'd be surprised if they were even left leaning. Oh and another factor is that i think up until now they did a spectacular job modding the community, including the handling of this situation (okay, i wouldn't have removed the og mod, but whatever.
(btw i still think they fucked up by going to the interview, i just don't think it is worth half this much attention. If they refuse to go, that would've been held against them by Fox News as well and i am willing to bet my ass again that the same people would've called for the resignation of the mods again, because they failed to reach over the aisle or some similar bullshit.
Well what i ultimately don't get is, all the mods that did interviews went out of their way to assert that they are there to represent themselves and not the sub. From here on for me the idea that they represent the sub is forced, and as the last few days showed there is a great corporate interest in showing off the sub as a whole as do nothing losers, so of course they will jump on the autistic non-binary dogwalker to say to the members of the sub "look, this is who you are". And it worked. Now you have a r/conntrapoints mod as a top mod who will definitely steer the sub away from radlibbery.
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You've hit the nail on the head, media is trying to act as they are representatives, which they - as anarchists do - categorically reject. It sure does look to me that the media is painting a false narrative to stir shit in the community and people are lapping it up uncritically.
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You are not guilty of a con job if you are the one being conned.
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I'm defending them because they already owned up to it, because the whole debacle isn't worth this much and because if you looked at the sub it's very clear that the wholr drama is generated from outside by people who never posted on the sub but clearly aren't happy with anything but the current mods chased away and replaced by... Well i am willing to bet my ass that whomever they'd be replaed with wouldn't even bother to pay lip service to anarchist ideas, but i'd be surprised if they were even left leaning. Oh and another factor is that i think up until now they did a spectacular job modding the community, including the handling of this situation (okay, i wouldn't have removed the og mod, but whatever.
(btw i still think they fucked up by going to the interview, i just don't think it is worth half this much attention. If they refuse to go, that would've been held against them by Fox News as well and i am willing to bet my ass again that the same people would've called for the resignation of the mods again, because they failed to reach over the aisle or some similar bullshit.
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Well what i ultimately don't get is, all the mods that did interviews went out of their way to assert that they are there to represent themselves and not the sub. From here on for me the idea that they represent the sub is forced, and as the last few days showed there is a great corporate interest in showing off the sub as a whole as do nothing losers, so of course they will jump on the autistic non-binary dogwalker to say to the members of the sub "look, this is who you are". And it worked. Now you have a r/conntrapoints mod as a top mod who will definitely steer the sub away from radlibbery.
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