• eXAt [he/him]
    2 years ago

    This is such an absurd reasoning it’s kind of funny. Like after a few minutes of thinking I have only a guess as to what specific racist trope they are getting at but it still makes no sense.

    Edit: found the comment chain and this guy is asserting that the mechanics of league have been changed to help China. Clearly their celestial skull shape makes them uniquely predisposed to grasp the runestone mechanic at a level the downtrodden white man can not.

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    2 years ago

    League reddit has been having brain-worm infection ever since 2019, when the European Superteam got mega-stomped by a chinese team in the world finals. And after China's EDG won in 2021, and their legacy player / coach was inducted into the CPC, certain redditors have been even more insane.

  • ToastGhost [he/him]
    2 years ago

    dipshits thing "the meta" is a button game devs push to make their game different, but really its every interaction between every aspect of a game, and small changes can have large and unpredictable effects on what is and isnt meta.