A joke.

  • Bordiga [he/him]
    2 years ago

    "Anti-fascism is the worst product of fascism" - Amadeo Bordiga

    This clown wasn’t a leftist, he was a black shirt with extra pasta layers.


    Fun fact:

    Bordiga sabotaged attempts by the Italian Communist Party to unite the many antifascist militias that were scattered across Italy in the years leading up to Mussolini fully taking power.

    Isolated and alone, many of the comrades in those militias wound up murdered by fascists in combat or in death camps.

    Bordiga was either a fascist or such a complete fucking idiot he might as well have been one.

    • Bordiga [he/him]
      2 years ago


  • Bordiga [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Another real banger:

    "If Hitler can make yield the odious powers of England and America, while making thus precarious the capitalist world balance, long live the butcher Hitler who works in spite of himself to create the conditions of the proletarian world revolution.”

    Supporting Hitler to own the capitalists.

  • Bordiga [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The great and authentic revolutionaries of the world are two: Mussolini and Hitler. But Mussolini's past shows that Il Duce has always been against the plutocracy and against the democracies, which paralyze the life of nations.

    Very well adjusted and intelligent thinking. Yes. People should look to me as a beacon of coherent thought.


  • UncleJoe [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    My interactions with Bordigites have been probably the strangest experience I've had on the left

    I don't even disagree with some of their points or criticisms, in fact I think Bordiga is worth reading, but I will never for the life of me understand how the fuck people end up so deep down the left rabbithole that they start defending this guy lmao. And these people have the gall to shit talk Gramsci :gramsci-heh:

    • Bordiga [he/him]
      2 years ago

      They’re generally extremely disconnected from reality and also very invested in being the smartest one in the room. It’s insufferable.

      I wound up looking into Bordiga after I kept running into incredibly smug fans of his. Turns out he was just a huge piece of shit and then he died. Unsurprised people with a similar life trajectory latch onto him.

      Easier for an entitled westerner to pretend everyone else is doing it wrong and that revolution will just magically happen. Wish fulfillment roleplaying as an ideology.

    • Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      What do people say about Gramsci? His theory of Cultural Hegemony still seems relevant today

      • UncleJoe [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        It's not about his writings per se, just his activity in the Italian Communist Party... somehow. Apparently the guy who was free to walk around shoving lasagna down his throat praising Mussolini and Hitler was the actual threat to the fascists, not the guy thrown into prison to "stop his brain from working" because his mind was such a danger to the fascist regime.

    • Bordiga [he/him]
      2 years ago

      “The worst product of pasta is antipasta”

    • VeganVelveeta [she/her]
      2 years ago

      :sartre-pipe: :stalin-pipe:

      Bordiga hated them because they wouldn’t give him their pipes.

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Girl I'm feeling hungry

    What you got to show me

    Lick up your lasagna

    With a tongue like Odie