Bordiga [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2022

  • Bordiga [he/him]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    the org should have a way to mediate / kick people who are getting in the way of things. if they don't, then it was a matter of time before this happened either due to dipshits, feds, or both.

  • Bordiga [he/him]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Online? it doesn't matter. if they interrupt discussions and work with shit-for-brains behavior, they're functionally the same as a fed / wrecker. kick them out.

    IRL? if someone you know in real life, talk to them about it being disruptive. if they can correct their behavior, great. if they keep it up and/or get massively defensive / disruptive after getting this feedback, kick them out.

  • Bordiga [he/him]
    tochapotraphouseHEXBEAR! I was on the nightly news!!
    2 years ago

    Danny DeVito feels that the idea of the popular antifascist front within the imperialist core serves only to reinforce bourgeois rule ultimately to the benefit of imperialism. Unlike Gramsci, he sees no commonality between the struggles against imperialism and against fascism

    </bit> this idea is absolute garbage <bit>

  • Bordiga [he/him]
    tochapotraphouseHEXBEAR! I was on the nightly news!!
    2 years ago

    Bordiga and Danny DeVito are the same person, proof:

    • Fact 1 - Ital*an
    • Fact 2 - Dumpy looking uncle type
    • Fact 3 - Nominally leftist
    • Fact 4 - Famous feud with Gramsci
    • Fact 5 - Bordiga and Danny DeVito never photographed together
    • Fact 6 - Same glasses
    • Fact 7 - Love talking shit
    • Fact 8- Known for binge-eating