In general but mainly referring to lgbt+ struggles.

  • bananon [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I'm reading this as ML/M parties in the Global South as opposed to the Western Left.

    Oftentimes, social progress is predicated on, and therefore lags behind, economic progress. It's very hard to protest for gay rights when you first have to protest for not dying of starvation. Capitalism may be economically exploitative, but it has allowed economic progress in the West through the huge amassing of wealth. People in the West were richer and had more treats, and could therefore focus their attention on social issues, because even if they still lived under Capitalism, they got the long end of the stick. Consequently, everyone else in the world is poorer, and are still struggling with economic progress. Social progress has been stifled in the Global South because they are still focused on not starving. Even in AES, which have had greater and more equitable economic progress than their capitalist counterparts in the Global South, the West has had a huge head start by developing Capitalism first, and were therefore also the first to develop modern social progress.

    A good example of this is the suffragette movement in the United States. Women's rights had been a topic of conversation since before America was even founded, but it never got off the ground because for most of that time the only women who were educated enough and had enough time to worry about it were rich white women who's husbands probably owned slaves. Most women were stuck in the homestead, which acted as a physical and metaphorical prison, separating them from other women, and disallowing any class consciousness or collaboration. It was only after industrialization where women began working together in factories that they were able to collectively fight for their rights. The same thing happened in the USSR and China. Once they industrialized, women's rights saw more and more support. So we see how the economic progress of industrialization lead to the social progress of women. As AES and the rest of he Global South meets economic parity with the West, I expect there to be growth in their own LGBTQ struggles.

    On the other hand, a decrease in economic progress would also lead to a decrease in social progress. We can see this happening now in the United States. As wages have stagnated and more people have become poorer, we have seen attacks on women's right to abortion, an increase in anti-LGBTQ legislation, and overall a more conservative populous.