I don't know anything about the channel, Earthling Ed, and usually don't watch these kinds of "debates". But I was interested in this one because I wanted to see how a vegan activist would approach indigenous practices towards hunting.

I have to say, the student came across terribly. They were not indigenous, but kept using indigenous practices and worldviews to defend their own personal meat consumption. Now, there were a lot of different camera angles and cuts in the video, so it could be edited to make the student look bad. But, as far as I can see, the student said "because Indigenous people living in far off places need to kill to be able to survive, we in the city should be able to as well."


  • RandyLahey [he/him]
    3 years ago

    nah earthling ed is dope, hes very lib but hes earnest as hell and his heart is very much in the right place so i would doubt there would be substantive cuts that frame the debate in a different light

    hes also the most phenomenal debater ive ever seen in a way thats like the anti-v*ush, and i feel like hes a great example for leftists to look to for how to "debate" someone when your goal is to actually convince them to your point of view rather than EPICLY DESTROY them. knows his shit of course, but its mostly hes unbelievably patient and calm and understanding, doesnt die on pointless hills, doesnt try and make people feel stupid but rather just "oh yeah i hadnt considered that perspective", and generally really tries to avoid things becoming combative and adversarial while still pushing hard. this girl is incredibly defensive and hostile and seems like a lost cause (i couldnt make it more than a few minutes in), but ive watched quite a few of his "debates" and half of them end with the other person halfway or more towards veganism