Which is weird for me because I don't often remember my dreams.

The first one was two nights ago and involved me visiting some Greek-looking marble temple in a city. There were lots of tourists around. The temple was white and had rows of big white marble Japanese Oni statues at the entrance and you could sort of see that there were rows of them down to a dimly lit, huge white marble statue of Zeus at the back of the temple. I was intimidated by the place for some reason.

There was a tour group of some kind hanging around the entrance, they were all romantic couples and I remember the tour guide saying that only couples were allowed in. So the couples were going in and out of the temple laughing and doing touristy stuff while I had to stay outside because I wasn't in a couple. Then I woke up.

And then I had another vivid dream last night that I was hanging out with these random people at their big house during a party and some weeb guy decided we were friends and started telling me how to act "If we're going to be friends you'll need to cut out that narcissism."

I remember saying incredulously saying "Narcissism?" but then we just hung out and played Streets of Rage. While I sat there wondering how I'd been roped into this friendship. At one point his mom arrived and asked me to clean their toilets.


Have you guys ever had weird dreams?

  • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
    8 months ago

    When I was in Uni I had a dream that I was in the Prefect's common room at Hogwarts (this was before the transphobia or even wizards shitting themselves) playing pool against Samuel L. Jackson. It took a little while to start to suspect something was wrong, but when I looked at the table and counted the balls I knew it had to be a dream: Hogwarts was one thing, but winning a pool game against Samuel L Jackson couldn't be real. Woke me straight up.

    When I worked in a primary school I had a dream that the class had been making little paper "rockets" launched by squeezing an empty 2 litre plastic bottle. For some reason, I then had to take the 3 kids who made the best paper rockets down to a place called "the yeet shop" on the main road, where their paper rockets would be launched into low orbit. The yeet shop was apparently not weird enough for me to notice until I woke up naturally.