Which is weird for me because I don't often remember my dreams.

The first one was two nights ago and involved me visiting some Greek-looking marble temple in a city. There were lots of tourists around. The temple was white and had rows of big white marble Japanese Oni statues at the entrance and you could sort of see that there were rows of them down to a dimly lit, huge white marble statue of Zeus at the back of the temple. I was intimidated by the place for some reason.

There was a tour group of some kind hanging around the entrance, they were all romantic couples and I remember the tour guide saying that only couples were allowed in. So the couples were going in and out of the temple laughing and doing touristy stuff while I had to stay outside because I wasn't in a couple. Then I woke up.

And then I had another vivid dream last night that I was hanging out with these random people at their big house during a party and some weeb guy decided we were friends and started telling me how to act "If we're going to be friends you'll need to cut out that narcissism."

I remember saying incredulously saying "Narcissism?" but then we just hung out and played Streets of Rage. While I sat there wondering how I'd been roped into this friendship. At one point his mom arrived and asked me to clean their toilets.


Have you guys ever had weird dreams?

  • dannoffs [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I have extremely vivid and realistic dreams every night. Last night l had a dream that I met someone in a grocery store who tried to convince me that I should structure my life by awarding myself little rectangle stickers when I accomplish things that I arrange into a series of larger rectangles.

  • blight [any]
    5 months ago

    I wish my dreams were this coherent lmao

  • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]M
    5 months ago

    i get wild dreams. did u stop smoking weed a couple weeks ago? i almost completely stopped dreaming when i was smoking regularly. then i realized whenever i quit for a few weeks, my crazy dreams would come back. im pretty much 6 months sober on weed (quit for 4 months, then smoked once a week for a two months, now im a month off of it again) and two nights ago i had this super long dream where a bunch of crazy shit happened (i forgot it but it felt like an entire day of doing shit in a single dream)

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
      5 months ago

      did u stop smoking weed a couple weeks ago?

      No, but I do take a very low dose of SSRIs to help with depression and anxiety and haven't dreamed since I started taking them around 10 years ago. I forgot to take them on those days that I had the dreams, so that might be why.

      (i forgot it but it felt like an entire day of doing shit in a single dream)

      The mind is such an amazing thing.

      • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]M
        5 months ago

        i was curious abt this and just found out that THC is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. its interesting how much of our lives serotonin affects. also cool how that means weed is kind of a natural antidepressant. makes sense how i used it as a crutch during the worst depressive phase of my life

        hope those days without ur SSRIs weren’t too bad!

  • FunkyStuff [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Yeah, sometimes. I posted about such a dream here some time ago. It took place in a pharmacy with spherical rooms, a modernist kind of aesthetic. There were multiple floors and the areas were laid out in an inconvenient yet stylish way. I was in there just buying toothpaste. When I went outside, there was a protest, and the police had brought armored vehicles to suppress it. I went home to my childhood home and noticed some noise coming from the backyard. I went out back, to the gazebo, and was greeted by Adam Friedland, Stavros Halkias, and Nick Mullen. I pretended not to know who they were, asked them what they were doing in my backyard, etc. I started laughing, though, and they knew that I knew them. Then Nick bodyslammed me to the ground and the dream ended.

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        5 months ago

        Also, just last night I had a good one. Dreamed I was in a college Halloween party and my friend went dressed in an impeccable Mao costume. Some lady started talking about being a landlord and he started belly laughing.

        Had another insane dream some months ago while I was taking a programming class, that an exam for the class required you to write a program so funny you'd piss yourself laughing when you ran it. But I was finding it impossible, so I left and found a secret passage, don't remember what else happened. I've had a lot of secret passage/underground tunnel system dreams.

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      5 months ago

      I love the wild-ass architecture you see in some dreams. One of my favorite examples from my own is a dieselpunk city built into the inner edges of a huge, bottomless cylindrical hole in the ground.

  • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
    5 months ago

    then we just hung out and played Streets of Rage. While I sat there wondering how I'd been roped into this friendship.

    this has never happened to me in a dream but has absolutely happened to me irl

  • joaomarrom [he/him, comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    I absolutely love discussing dreams and thinking about them. I always have these nondescript dreams that just feel like a jumble of images when I wake up, and then I forget them as the day goes by. Sometimes I do remember some of them, though. A notable one happened this time when I had this bipolar hypomania crush on a girl, which lasted for an alarming amount of time. I dreamed she was driving me somewhere on a street which was only for buses. Then she suddenly disappeared, The Leftovers-style, and the car just kept on moving for a few moments before stopping. And that's it. I woke up and spent the whole day trying to suss out what that meant.

    It was actually a surprisingly literal kind of symbolism, to be honest. She often did this thing where we would go out, she would vanish afterwards and then say hello months later and we'd go out maybe once or twice a year. It had been going on for about three years at that point. Thing is, I was crazy about her, happily letting her drive me around, then she would disappear and leave me hanging, in a moving car without a driver, so to speak. Also, in a bus lane, recognizing that this shit shouldn't be happening. I discussed this with my therapist and some time later I started feeling better and letting go of her. We still meet every now and then, but my crush on her is gone.

    My point is that, in my view, understanding what a dream means involves realizing that each image, each element, works as a symbol. Sometimes you have to dig deeper to understand what's going on, but it's always a representation of the thing, rather than the thing itself. Why is it a Greek temple? Why were there tourists? Why white? Why was the temple Greek but the statues Japanese? And how does all that relate to being in a romantic couple? It's all very personal and it's only your and maybe your therapist's job to decode all that, but I feel there's meaning even in the smallest details. It's all a weirdly deliberate way that your brain has to tell you "hey look what's going on in here". But I might be wrong.

    Also, I don't know how to explain the dream I had a couple nights ago where my friend (who happened to have David Mitchell's face, but I knew it was my friend) took a shit in my living room. He asked me "hey, can I take a shit here?" and I laughed it off like "haha yeah right whatever" and he just dropped trou and shat in my goddamn living room. What the fuck

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
      5 months ago

      He asked me "hey, can I take a shit here?" and I laughed it off like "haha yeah right whatever" and he just dropped trou and shat in my goddamn living room. What the fuck

      Lmao michael-laugh

      Why is it a Greek temple? Why were there tourists? Why white? Why was the temple Greek but the statues Japanese? And how does all that relate to being in a romantic couple?

      I have a hunch. Someone I'm close to just got into a relationship recently and I found myself a little jealous of their happiness. They seem so right for each other. Part of me wants what they have, but another part of me is very daunted by the idea of romantic relationships. I'm very scared of being betrayed and stuck in a controlling relationship that I can't get out of (I tend to associate religion with cults and being trapped in an abusive dynamic. Which might explain Zeus, not sure about the Oni, maybe because they're violent? They're both very stereotypically masculine figures.) The couples leaving me behind might be me worrying that I'm going to be left alone if I don't commit to anyone. I don't want a romantic relationship but at the same time I do. I don't really know what I want in that aspect of my life.

      Classic hedgehogs dilemma stuff.

      Sorry if thats TMI lol

        • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
          5 months ago

          The hedgehog's dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is a metaphor about the challenges of human intimacy. It imagines a group of hedgehogs who want to huddle together for warmth in the winter, but they cannot avoid sticking each other with their sharp spines. Though they all want a close mutual relationship, their own prickly nature might make this impossible.

      • joaomarrom [he/him, comrade/them]
        5 months ago

        That kind of analysis is exactly what I do when I have a dream that sounds significant, lol I think it's very fun and scratches that Freud- / Jung- / Lacanian itch I sometimes get. I should have studied psychology rather than language teaching at college. I would be doing this kind of fun discussion for money, and it would be much more money than what I earn lmao

  • idkmybffjoeysteel [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I had the most cringe dream of my life ever recently because it was about this website. I got banned from a community and then there was a post about me that said idkmybffjoeysteel is the first person to ever be banned from here and then everyone in the comments was saying mean things about me.

    I was so embarassed to be thinking about this that I immediately realised I was in a dream and woke up.

  • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    Yeah I have. I had to kill evil scientists with a disintegration ray gun and wade through a field of mud before I could make it to the nearest cafe and order a cup of coffee

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I had a weird dream where some fireworks got lit indoors and I managed to get them outside before they went off but then they set some trees on fire. So I started rushing around with a hose and yelling at people to help but they were pointing at some dogs fighting under a tree. The tree was on fire and I put it out but then a blackened branch broke off and barely missed the fighting dogs. Everyone was laughing at the dogs not getting squished. I got super mad and started yelling at them and calling them assholes.

  • idkmybffjoeysteel [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I had another dream where having lived in the post apocalyptic future I had gone back in time in order to prepare. I knew that I would need weed, a lot of it, in order to trade with the monsters that inhabited this scorched Earth, but I needed a place to keep it where it could remain safe until I was ready to collect it, and what better place to hide it but the room of requirement. I could not get this thing to work for the life of me, though. In my first attempt, walking back and forth down the hallway, I summoned a marble bathroom with loads of stalls and nowhere to wash your hands. Plus there were loads of people in it, so that wasn't going to work. I tried again, but this time there were people walking down the hallway the same time as me, and when the room got summoned, they all rushed in completely amazed, and I could not get rid of them. When I tried again a while later, I discovered a plain and dark room that was already inhabited by a group of former students who were all huddled together against the wall in sleeping bags. Upon waking, one tired looking woman now in her 40s explained to me that they were just waiting for everything to stop. I'm not sure what the conclusion to this was, but I did wake up in the future again and traverse a city like Elden Ring's Leyndell where I was again harassed by a weird rat creature for my weed. Luckily I had it this time.

  • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
    5 months ago

    When I was in Uni I had a dream that I was in the Prefect's common room at Hogwarts (this was before the transphobia or even wizards shitting themselves) playing pool against Samuel L. Jackson. It took a little while to start to suspect something was wrong, but when I looked at the table and counted the balls I knew it had to be a dream: Hogwarts was one thing, but winning a pool game against Samuel L Jackson couldn't be real. Woke me straight up.

    When I worked in a primary school I had a dream that the class had been making little paper "rockets" launched by squeezing an empty 2 litre plastic bottle. For some reason, I then had to take the 3 kids who made the best paper rockets down to a place called "the yeet shop" on the main road, where their paper rockets would be launched into low orbit. The yeet shop was apparently not weird enough for me to notice until I woke up naturally.

  • TimeTravel_0
    5 months ago

    I rarely remember my dreams vividly enough to form a cohesive timeline of events like you were able to, but I sometimes remember specific events from my dreams and I feel like Ive had quite a few dreams that involve me trying to speak but being unable to. I'd be certain I'm making the right lip and mouth movements to create sound but there's just no air coming from my lungs, so I'm helplessly wheezing when trying to talk, and it usually makes me feel pretty bad as though whatever I was trying to say was important. Sometimes I can still feel the breathlessness when I wake up, and Ive been kinda thinking about what it could all mean, is the cause psychological, reflecting some sort of subconscious belief that I cannot speak? or is it physiological, caused by something mundane like sleep apnea. Typing it out now I suppose that there is a third possibility, that dreams dont substantially reflect reality and I'm looking for a cause where there isn't one, or that these dreams aren't that frequent and they just feel like they are because the unpleasant nature makes them more memorable. Haven't studied psychology so I dont really have the liberty to draw a meaningful conclusion anyway, so maybe it's not worth thinking about.

  • tamagotchicowboy [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Often, and I make use of them by learning signs to figure out I'm dreaming so I can basically do whatever I want aka lucid dreaming. Lots of fun, highly recommend. Everyone sleeps, might as well have some enjoyment with it, btw all those 'do this and that for x money to lucid dream' 100% scam 100% of the time, best way is to sleep while knowing lucid dreaming exists, and keep a dream diary if you have time.