So I have convinced my cat to branch out a bit and try some different music and she even agrees with me about the Talking Heads but now there's this new thing she started doing: protest honking (meowing)

She pulls up next to the bed at like 6:30am, sometimes earlier if I get up to go pee, and just starts honking (meowing). In the evening we'll sit down try to watch TV and what do we hear from the next room? Her honking (meowing). Sometimes we'll go to bed and like 10 minutes later we will hear her just randomly start laying on her horn (meowing)

She's been spending all day reading online about this Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and now she's convinced that my partner secretly colluded with the Communist party of Canada to take away her freedoms by enacting her 8:30am breakfast mandate. She's an indoor cat, mostly scared of outside and she is not organized with any other cats as far as we know, but I'm kind of worried that her isolation could be contributing to this sort of ideas. Also my partner is definitely the more lib one between us so idk why they are part of the conspiracy instead of me, i guess my cat is still pretty confused about politics though

When my partner was not around I tried to sympathize with my cat and admitted the 8:30am breakfast mandate doesn't have much material basis, but its a small compromise and we would all have a better morning if she went along with it, but she just kept insisting that it was part of a big planned "Reset" (tbh my partner uses this term frequently in regard to behavioral training).

Please help the honking is drivng us crazy we can't get any sleep