For me, shitty style / lazy writing make me put a book down immediately. I was raised on the worship of style you find in writers like Flaubert or Nabokov (who also happened to have deplorable political views) and I can’t shake it.

Others commented here recently that making every female character in a story into a sex object is a bad thing.

What are some reasons you’ll put a book down after you’ve spent at least a little time giving it a try?

    • The_Walkening [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

      A: He straightened his tie. He had lost, but in a romantic way, which meant that he had won. “I’m going to do a pushup,” he announced to his tie. His tie respected him for it, and secretly wished that it could have sex with him.


    • duderium [he/him]
      3 years ago

      There’s a lot of incest too. Then also I don’t know if it’s a Spanish thing because I’m maybe not even an intermediate but when be writes “mujer” it’s translated into English as “wife” even though I think “mujer” just means woman?

      The site you posted seems to be making fun of Cormac McCarthy. He writes muscular prose which means long sentences connected by like twenty ands.