• Gosplan14 [any]
    2 years ago

    It leaves out some important events:

    1920 - During the Kapp-Putsch fighting breaks out in the French-Occupied areas of Western Germany (Ruhr) between the spontaneously-organized Red Ruhr Army [consisting of members of the USPD ("centrist marxist" party, preferring reformism but not rejecting violence) KPD, SPD, KAPD (Leftcoms) and a large presence of the anarcho-communist FAUD] and the Freikorps. The uprising is put down by the central SPD-led government after it refused the Red Ruhr Army's request to create a socialist government there.

    1923 - Hyperinflation breaks out in Weimar Germany and the Landtag Elections in Saxony and Thüringen lead to the local SPD branches allying with the KPD in both states in a coalition government. The SPD-led government disapproved of that and sent in the army to dissolve the state governments of both states. This leads to the Hamburg Uprising led by the KPD's Ernst Thälmann, which however is quickly defeated by the Army as no external help from other parts of Germany came.

    1925 - Paul von Hindenburg gets elected President with support from the monarchist DNVP, libertarian DVP and reactionary regionalist BVP with a narrow victory over the conservative Zentrum (backed by the SPD) candidate Wilhelm Marx. Fast forward to 1932 and the centrists didn't bother fielding their own candidate, because obviously the man who literally did a military right wing coup d'Etat in 1917 to keep the German Empire pro-War was so clearly the lesser evil to Hitler outright winning and wouldn't legitimize a NSDAP electoral victory giving it more legitimacy than if Hitler had just seized power in a coup following a presidential election victory.

    1932 - Massive strike in Berlin's public transportation company BVG, enthusiastically supported by the KPD and opportunistically supported by the local Nazi Party. This leads the SPD to break out the Horseshoe and do the usual "communism = nazism". This leads to massive gains for the KPD as both the SPD and especially the NSDAP lose a shitton of votes. The Nazi Party loses over 4% of the vote in the November election and the KPD climbs to a record high 17% of the vote.

    1932 - von Hindenburg appoints right wing strongmen as he pleases and transforms lesser-evily the Weimar Republic into a de facto reactionary military dictatorship. Von Schleicher, General of the Reichswehr and current Chancellor even attempts to form a unity government with the left wing (!) of the NSDAP, bypassing Hitler and contacting Gregor Strasser, but it failed. Then von Schleicher supported Hitler opportunistically, hoping for a ministerial posting. He got purged in 1934.

    June 1932 - The KPD proposes the creation of the "Antifascist Action" alliance with the SPD. It gets ignored despite mounting violence against leftists.

    20th February 1933 - A group of the leading Bourgeoise in Germany meet with NSDAP leaders in secret and donate 3.000.000 RM to the NSDAP's electoral campaign

    • ValiumAnarchist [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Oh no doubt, it was something I put together in an hour that was a complement to other things I said. The reason I didn't bring up the Ruhr specifically was the person I was responding to had brought that up - without mentioning the Kapp Putsch, for some reason that's definitely not obvious - as an example of leftist violence. Definitely needs improvement, I'm currently working on a better version.

      • Gosplan14 [any]
        2 years ago

        Dw, I was just just adding some things to your very good overview