Binging Hell of Presidents, Matt (the largest of the chapos, who should be able to eat the smaller ones) said something that resonated with me- the idea that our connection with class is so disassociated and immaterial that the only way we can express ourselves is through consumption.

I realised he was 100% right, but sadly realised I couldn't figure out alternatives. Is there any answer apart from getting off our damn iphone? (it's community connection right? But we still have to consume food and culture to do so...- or am I taking it too literally?)

  • comi [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Listening to music your friend or colleague plays is not consumption, at least not in the same way :ohnoes: there is no transaction, no profit, it’s just human solidarity :ohnoes:

    I agree brain-poison of “how will you sell it/side-hustle it” is :disgost: tho

    • KermitTheFraud [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Listening to music your friend or colleague plays is not consumption, at least not in the same way :ohnoes: there is no transaction, no profit, it’s just human solidarity :ohnoes:

      I know local music bookers who would disagree. Local musicians sharing stuff with friends and family is the core of their scene. They’re not sufficient to hold up the business, but they’re necessary. It’s a form of solidarity that has been commodified whether the people doing it realize it or not