What is the correct vegan way to handle these sorts of overpopulation problems that we've created--other than "complete societal overhaul"/"return to monke"/"we shouldn't have caused this shit to happen in the first place"?
What is the correct vegan way to handle these sorts of overpopulation problems that we've created--other than "complete societal overhaul"/"return to monke"/"we shouldn't have caused this shit to happen in the first place"?
I guess it’s obvious that these animals can’t be allowed to continue wreak havoc on the ecosystem and indigenous animal populations. They need to be removed. I suppose the vegan solution would be to capture them and let them live the rest of their days in a captive environment, but right now there’s not even political will to even exterminate them effectively much less capture and take care of them.
But poison is clearly the wrong answer and can have knock-on effects to the environment and food chain.