What is the correct vegan way to handle these sorts of overpopulation problems that we've created--other than "complete societal overhaul"/"return to monke"/"we shouldn't have caused this shit to happen in the first place"?
Not putting a bunch of poison into the environment would be a good start. A lot of endangered predators are already being fucked by farmers poisoning rats and mice.
for sure. I just don't have a good answer for what the right thing to do is. which is why I'm curious what my comrades think.
I guess it’s obvious that these animals can’t be allowed to continue wreak havoc on the ecosystem and indigenous animal populations. They need to be removed. I suppose the vegan solution would be to capture them and let them live the rest of their days in a captive environment, but right now there’s not even political will to even exterminate them effectively much less capture and take care of them.
But poison is clearly the wrong answer and can have knock-on effects to the environment and food chain.
actually... I wonder...
would it be ethical to cull the animal population and use them as meat for other animals, like dogs, cats, zoo animals, etc? essentially simulating the effect of introducing more pretadors, without the typically poor long term impacts of actually introducing even more species to the mix?
At a certain point, you end up either imposing a value set onto nature, justifying carnivory to the extent that it exists in nature, or having separate moral frameworks for humans and for nonhuman animals. Not saying that any option is correct or superior.