> mandatory military service


fascism lol

Hundreds of thousands of conscripts in the regular army who served in combat units were raised on stories that extolled the wonderful food served in the kitchens of the air force, navy and intelligence corps.

intelligence troops are PMC :pete:

An investigative report published in MarkerWeek in Hebrew on Friday found that this is no accident. In many cases, the amount spent on every meal at these bases is significantly higher than what is spent on food served to the grunts. The report revealed that many soldiers get stuck with low-quality and even insufficient food.

"the food is terrible, and such small portions" - classic Jewish joke

Both the soldiers and the public have gotten used to accepting this situation as natural, but it shouldn’t be like this. The Israel Defense Forces are the people’s army, and the state instituted mandatory conscription. Therefore, there’s no justification for people who didn’t manage to get into particular units to be given food that’s lower quality or leaves them hungry.

The privatization of some of the IDF’s food service over the last 20 years led the army to pursue cost savings and solicit competitive bids that make it hard to provide decent food to the soldiers. The workers who are supposed to provide this service are poorly paid, and the service they provide is commensurate.

The army’s struggle to curb the cost of feeding its soldiers is also disturbing given the enormous amounts of money it spends to give the air force and navy the latest weaponry. In contrast to this spendthrift behavior, the army can allow itself to skimp on food because conscript soldiers are a resource that doesn’t cost it anything. This is what happens when soldiers are conscripts – they become a resource that the system doesn’t have to worry about keeping happy, and therefore, it doesn’t have to invest in the food they receive.

Working class settlers are furious at their lack of treats because they're ultimately in the same proletarian category of their apartheid slaves (the DSA stands with their oppression lmao)