• a_maoist_quetzal [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Who knows, at this writing, what Vladimir Putin will decide to do with the forces he’s massed along Ukraine’s borders?

    idk, some CIA handlers deciding if there will really be a "Russian false flag"

    If Putin backs down, maybe thanks to some face-saving diplomatic formula, the Biden administration will deserve full credit for masterly crisis management: whipping into line our European allies, particularly Germany; thwarting Russian covert operations by leaking details to the media; expanding America’s military presence in frontline NATO states; working on ways to supply Europe with liquefied natural gas; refusing to negotiate at Ukraine’s expense; threatening sanctions against Moscow that, for once, have real teeth.

    "whipping" Germany into line by preventing it from buying gas from Russia? way to manage the crisis Joe! Accusing Russia of planning false flags while putting more troops in? way to thwart their operations!

    If Putin doesn’t back down, these were still the right and necessary steps. They just weren’t sufficient.

    literally unfalsifiable, i am a brain genius