Deep Impact is a NASA space probe launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on January 12, 2005. It was designed to study the interior composition of the comet Tempel 1 (9P/Tempel), by releasing an impactor into the comet. At 05:52 UTC on July 4, 2005, the Impactor successfully collided with the comet's nucleus. The impact excavated debris from the interior of the nucleus, forming an impact crater. Photographs taken by the spacecraft showed the comet to be more dusty and less icy than had been expected. The impact generated an unexpectedly large and bright dust cloud, obscuring the view of the impact crater.

Previous space missions to comets, such as Giotto, Deep Space 1, and Stardust, were fly-by missions. These missions were able to photograph and examine only the surfaces of cometary nuclei, and even then from considerable distances. The Deep Impact mission was the first to eject material from a comet's surface, and the mission garnered considerable publicity from the media, international scientists, and amateur astronomers alike.

Upon the completion of its primary mission, proposals were made to further utilize the spacecraft. Consequently, Deep Impact flew by Earth on December 31, 2007 on its way to an extended mission, designated EPOXI, with a dual purpose to study extrasolar planets and comet Hartley 2 (103P/Hartley). Communication was unexpectedly lost in August 2013 while the craft was heading for another asteroid flyby.

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  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    2 years ago

    Just found out one of my best/longest time friends died. Don't know what happened yet

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        2 years ago

        Dude was a comrade to the core too. Read theory, knew what was up and used his job at a bank doing fraud investigation to leak nazis banking info or get them audited while letting anyone who's records show that theyre poor slide. He'd just gotten up to corporate fraud stuff and after a few years of that could go private and do financial snooping for the revolution full time. He was also willing to commit very serious crimes to do so

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      2 years ago

      I know what happened yet. Overdose. I'm not welcome at the funeral cause the mom blames me/any of his punk rock friends. Which is absolutely absurd, he's had drug problems since he was 10, before we knew each other even. Once I found out he started using needles I cut him off from my connect. But go off Mom.

      Whatever, we'll have a diy memorial that will also the shit out of a funeral anyway