How often do you consume some post-apocalyptic media and people slog it on empty highways or whatever for miles and miles on foot or revert back to fucking horses for some reason? Like I can suspend my disbelief that somehow there's just shittons of fuel laying around everywhere that magically doesn't spoil for decades but even then there's so many scenes where the characters are struggling to walk a distance or take forever and you could literally do it in a quarter of the time on a bike.

They're comparably easy to fix, they don't require keeping a whole ass horse alive, they're fairly abundant everywhere and the fuel is you. It just fucks with my disbelief. What, do these people walk through what remains of the suburbs, looting houses for supplies and just ignore every bike they see?

  • inshallah2 [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    If there had been bicycles in The Walking Dead - I think viewership would have tanked. Americans of most political stripes are members of the Cult of the Car. Some members such as liberals would vehemently deny that they are members but if you're in that cult - you must hate bikes.