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I agree with a Second October Revolution yes, despite I am aware that this war is mostly an US-NATO proxy war on Ukraine and how much the Euromaidan was a pro-US, pro-NATO, and pro-EU coup d'etat...

  • duderium [he/him]
    5 months ago

    It’s a lib take. If we can critically support Iran and Syria, we can also critically support Russia for undermining American imperialism.

    • Dumuabzu
      5 months ago

      I mean, yeah, I critically support Russia, yet, I still stand for a Second RSFSR and a Second UkrSSR, despite I know they're very unlikely to happen in the next years to come... But revolutionary optimism as always.

      • duderium [he/him]
        5 months ago

        I would love for the USSR 2 to be a thing. But “both sides are bad” is lib shit that benefits only amerikkka.

  • thebartermyth [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Sorry if this is harsh, but I don't understand why you seem to want to argue online about this. Being 'undecided' so both sides will fight you / fight over you only really works if you wield power. Honestly arguing with people to convince them is less useful than getting people who already agree with you to take action. A lib being convinced in their heart-of-hearts is kinda irrelevant.

    • Dumuabzu
      5 months ago

      On Hexbear or somewhere else?

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
        5 months ago

        The biggest and most largest news mega on the lemmy website. Of course I mean hexbear

        • Dumuabzu
          5 months ago

          Well, I did it on VK before and I got my VK account suspended, it was in March 2022.

          And I've got two accounts suspended from Reddit for posting something similar in 2022-2023.

          I just hope that I won't get my Hexbear account suspended for "Inciting a Second October Revolution in Russia, Ukraine + all former SSR countries + all of NATO member countries + all of Western Countries" lmaoooo