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The government in Kiev denies that it has attacked positions in the Donbas region, a Russian-majority territory, while the separatists launched an evacuation plan in the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Of course, if Putin does nothing, Biden will say that he got one over on Putin, which he kind of has but in a way few Americans will appreciate.

    I think you overestimate Americans

    • Ziege_Bock [any]
      2 years ago

      What I mean is that to appreciate the situation, if it truly exists and I'm not giving Biden too much credit, you'd also have to step away from the idea that Putin is a megalomaniac dictator who lusts for Europe, which most Democrats are seemingly incapable of. Republicans won't accredit Biden with any W's, and "undecided voters" won't remember this in 6 months unless it actually leads to war.

      • BeamBrain [he/him]
        2 years ago

        you’d also have to step away from the idea that Putin is a megalomaniac dictator who lusts for Europe, which most Democrats are seemingly incapable of

        Again, you overestimate Americans. Blue MAGA will absolutely be able to hold "Putin is a bloodthirsty warmonger" and "Good ol' Diamond Joe made weak Putin back down" in their heads simultaneously

        • Ziege_Bock [any]
          2 years ago

          I feel like we're having a failure in communication, you and I.

          What I'm saying is that "few Americans will appreciate" is that Biden has construed a situation that is engineered to bolster his image regardless of how it goes. If Putin attacks, it shows Biden to be keen and prescient. He would then be right about the Russian aggression, and any further escalation in Europe is not only justified but necessary. If Putin doesn't escalate, Biden can claim that he won a staring contest with a dictator. Someone in his administration understands that you can fuck around and risk blow-back, only to pin the blame and onus onto your enemies, so why not fuck around? Few Americans will appreciate this, they are too cucked, too hornswaggled. The average lib will be liable to believe that Putin is a global threat and the Biden is a based liberal interventionist, yes. But they will be ideologically prohibited from appreciating that Biden could even go so far as to create the conditions that will lead to that mediated understanding. They don't assume he will manufacture consent.

          He's just a guy who likes ice cream, mack.

          • Mardoniush [she/her]
            2 years ago

            The solution that Putin would see would be to not attack, but to force a deal that utterly humiliates Ukraine and the USA, such as formal neutrality and ceding the eastern regions in their entirety to the breakaway republics.