Asking for a friend.
The Medic sold his soul to the Devil, but foresaw later complications should he die, so he surgically removed 8 souls from other people, and added them to himself. In the present day, he sold one of those 8 to the Devil.
brb checking lemmy TOS. I'm pretty sure a question like this is breaking the rules somewhere
You need an onyx, 1,000 pieces of gold and the ancient bone sabre of Zumakalis
I think I have all of those, but my gold coins are all very old. Is there any way I can check if they've been debased with lead? Or will the ritual still work regardless?
I actually got this question while watching the episode a few hours ago lol. But they only covered the individual being affected by the absence of a soul without it being sold to the devil.
you have to put that together with the supplementary material in a segment of Treehouse of Horror IV
Oh, of course. It's a lost knowledge but I can give you these powers for only $10k.
The soul or anima is the form of things as it relates to the principle that animates them. So that acording to philosophers such as aristotle or al tusi, who should be autorative on the topic for both christian and muslim traditions, the human soul has 3 parts.
a vegetable soul that takes care of autonomous funcions.
An animal soul that takes vate of sensing movment and imagination ad it concerns the feedbacks betweeen those 2.
A rational soul. Wich itself is divided in 3 parts:
The empirical part, wich is the construction of heuristics trough trail an error. Customs and most of civilization enters here. Our ability to learn by imitation, and so on.
Then there is the part in charge of symbolic logic.
Finally there is the part that interacts with a diety.
As a side note this creates a herarchy of knoledge, for example, you know pi because you derived by symbolic logic, so if you make an experiment and pi is 3, then your experiment is wrong.
But back to how souls work, these are the layers of a human soul. There are entities with animation principles that share some of these characteristics, corporations, goverments, etc. They do so by borrowing the anima of humans to suit their pruposes.
There was a post here a few years ago called capital as a real god. Hh About how comodity fetishism can generate its own rules and drives that trancend the will and pruposes of the people it cotrols.
Is summary found a llc.
None as far as I know. It's just weird idisyncratiuc folk religion stuff. Many, i'd venture most, people are as incoherent about their religious beliefs as americans are about political beliefs. Just making stuff up.