:so-true: :funny-clown-hammer:

Edit: I’m not a lib! I’m not a lib!


  • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
    3 anni fa

    because it wouldn't be as much of an issue if we just had multi-generational housing. end the idea of living alone all the time an aunts and uncles can help with childcare and benefit from eldercare when they are old. simple. as.

    • hwoarang [any]
      3 anni fa

      what about people who don't have families? or whose families can't afford to look after them, or simply won't? or who require specialist or round the clock care?

      just saying "well they can simply live with a group of people who consents to care for them" isn't even close to an answer. and saying simple. as. is obnoxious.

      I live in a multigenerational housing situation to care for my mam, and it's only because there are enough people earning wages and she has a decent pension that we can afford it. the ageing crisis is going to TRIPLE the elderly population worldwide and in certain places it'll be even more.

      if this burden falls on the family unit everything is fucked, there is going to be a huge crisis of social care and it requires a state response.