:so-true: :funny-clown-hammer:

Edit: I’m not a lib! I’m not a lib!


  • Cowboyitis69 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Ensuring that people live long healthy lives does not necessitate bringing more people into the world. You can still fight for the people already living. Perhaps we should think of those people first

      • Cowboyitis69 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I don’t think anti-Natalism and the fight for change are mutually exclusive or opposed to one another. I disagree that being opposed to having kids means you’ve given up on the future entirely. But I think it’s going to take a miracle to save the species, and I wouldn’t want my kid’s lives to hinge on a miracle. If my kid asked me why I brought them into a dying world, I don’t think they would appreciate me saying that I did it on the off chance that humanity will start taking this seriously. Idk maybe I’m doing mental gymnastics here.

        Once I see the countries of the world make serious and sufficient change to avert destruction, I’ll re-evaluate my outlook. Right now all I see is apathy and powerlessness amongst the portion of people who believe this is real. Then you have the other half who refuse to listen. It would demoralize any sane person, I would think anyway.