• zed_proclaimer [he/him]
    8 months ago

    This doesn’t vindicate your point whatsoever. The king could easily afford standard advanced healthcare if he so chose. Him being a quack doesn’t change that.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      8 months ago

      The king could easily afford standard advanced healthcare if he so chose.

      I guarantee you that he's going to be paying out the nose for some guy to shove kumquat juice up his butt.

      Him being a quack doesn’t change that.

      Hacking away at the domestic health care system and denuding the nation of educated, qualified physicians with the capacity to consistently deliver life-saving care means that Dr. Oz tier motherfuckers are going to fill in the gap you left behind.

      Yes, it would be much nicer to live in a nation full of expert professional physicians who spend all day doing top tier medical treatments. And yes, he can afford to do that. But HE DIDN'T. He lives in a palace full of quacks that's in a city full of quacks that's in a country full of quacks. All because quacks are cheaper.

      Say what you will about the Cuban medical system, but it is a product of the overall economy. It is a consequence of cumulative generational investment in top tier talent and the education to match. That Shit Cost Money. The benefits might be spread equitably, but the costs are still there - in hours of training and accumulation of materials and investment in blue sky research. Cuban health care isn't free, it is GDP. UK health care isn't, and that's why King Charles is fucked.