It you’ve followed my posts at all, you know my life is very interesting: I’m a homeless trans/non-binary drug addict with an iPhone 12 Mini and a broken heart. Having been homeless 6 of the last 7 years, and certified, licensed drug addict for 4, I get nose-blind to how fucking wild my life really is.
I don’t know what the fuck to write though. Whenever I’ve tried blogging in the past, I’ve always frozen up or hyperfixated and stalled on things like how to tag the posts. I do best when I have prompts, like if someone asks me a question. I can’t do freeform shit man.
I’ve also for a long ass time wanted to make a YouTube channel of some sort, but again I don’t fucking know what I want to do.
I've read a lot of these kinds of stories on reddit, obsessively almost, so people will read it, and it'll probably be good for you to write about things you're going throught. writing is easier to edit that video footage too re youtube
be careful with what you post online though, i'd hate to see ypu doxxed or in trouble for posting about illegal shiz
be safe OP x