I get this is the silliest thing to be concerned about right now with everything going on, but it does feel like the hawks scored a point here in the market place of ideas. Trying to add any context to the shitty situation in Eastern Europe is gonna come off as Putin apologia. I feel like it used to be a bit easier to pill Libs on being anti-war by putting to the USs fuck. But now that a country the hawks hated did a thing they predicted he’d do, well…

  • SoylentSnake [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    Yeah I'm scared of this. I fear you're going to see a lot of Americans (or Westerners more broadly) come down with a case of warmonger brain even among people you don't expect, including plenty of nominal socialists. Shit sucks, people are hard enough to reach about this stuff as is.