This shit might dangerously soon be enough for Putin to just say "yolo". Also, insane how the entire world is quickly responding to Russia, while noone gave a shit about the US killing literally millions of people. Or the Saudis killing more innocent people right this moment than Russia is. And they will be allowed to continue to do so. It looks like the US hegemony is getting only stronger, not weaker, no matter what it does.

  • BeingfromInnerSpace [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Well, during the Iraq War, Mexico didn't break diplomatic ties with Iraq, and the jingoistic rhetoric out of the US made a lot of people here uncomfortable. My fourth grade teacher (who was a fucking hippie who now lives in the woods) actually sat us down and told us that the US could choose to bomb Mexico because we were standing against them, LOL. A bunch of my classmates were pretty scared. She was exaggerating, of course, but I think it does illustrate how some people saw the US back in those days: a homicidal steamroller that could basically swoop in and turn a whole country upside down without blinking an eye.

    It's scary to me how many Mexicans, out of despair, fear and ignorance over the Narco situation, openly invite the USA to take a more involved approach in fighting the cartels here, by which I mean lighting the Sierras on fire with A-10 Warthogs. The raw power of an unhinged military empire has a hypnotic appeal that makes every problem look easy to solve if you just throw enough missiles at it.