Countries Voting "Against" Condemning Russia

  • Belarus
  • Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
  • Eritrea
  • Russian Federation
  • Syrian Arab Republic

Countries Voting "Abstain" Condemning Russia

  • Algeria
  • Angola
  • Armenia
  • Bangladesh
  • Bolivia
  • Burundi
  • Central African Republic
  • China
  • Congo
  • Cuba
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • India
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Lao People's Democratic Republic
  • Madagascar
  • Mali
  • Mongolia
  • Mozambique
  • Namibia
  • Nicaragua
  • Pakistan
  • Senegal
  • South Africa
  • South Sudan
  • Sri Lanka
  • Sudan
  • Tajikistan
  • Uganda
  • United Republic of Tanzania
  • Vietnam
  • Zimbabwe

Obviously big thanks go to all abstaining parties for not falling into the Western bullshit trap... the rest of y'all's countries not so much...

  • Petromancy [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I don’t like that it happened, but now that it did the preferably outcome is a swift and decisive Russian victory and Ukrainians coming to negotiations humbled and willing to take Russia’s concerns seriously.

    Absolutely worst case scenario is giving Ukrainians hope, funding insurgency and terror, dragging this out for years, arming civilians, etc. which is all blood psycho shit that will result in millions dead