
  • TimeTravel_0
    8 months ago

    For whatever reason pwas dont work right on my phone running grapheneos. If i do it via vandium my flashlight and brightness controls stop working after opening the app until i restart the phone. From firefox i cant click links. I havent reset my phone in years maybe i should do a fresh install but im kinda lazy.

    • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
      8 months ago

      Oh shit which pixel you got? I was running a 4a5g for years and it turns out it reached EOL for security updates and wouldn't even get fixes anymore. BTW I'd reccomend using Cromite instead as it's like vanadium but with a lot of the QOL features one might be used to. Just due to the nature of it's development and integration with Android Chrome-Based browsers are unfortunately the most secure; as opposed to desktop where Firefox is by far the most secure.

      • TimeTravel_0
        8 months ago

        Pixel 6, and i use firefox, just tested vandium to see if pwa worked well on it. Does chromite support addons?

        • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
          8 months ago

          No, but you shouldn't use them anyway as it makes it trivial to fingerprint and track you and your device. There is however experimental support for greasemonkey scripts on Chromite; for more info I reccomend reading the reasons on the grapheneos website for why you ought to use Vanadium or something that takes Vanadium's fixes into their code (like Chromite, a revival of Bromite).

          Edit: in addition, adblockers are built into Chromite (why I'm using it over Vanadium!)

          • TimeTravel_0
            8 months ago

            good to know, might reset my phone later and try fresh with chromite.

            does the fingerprinting thing apply to desktop as well? using librewolf with a few addons

            • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
              8 months ago

              Yes, I'd reccomend normal Firefox with as few addons as possible (I use ublock origin, Bitwarden, GNOME Integration, PrivacyBadger, Torrent Control, and Sponsorblock). I have it so that every page is incognito and my history and cookies will be wiped every time I close it, but Bitwarden makes it easy enough to login that idgaf.

              • TimeTravel_0
                8 months ago

                Why normal firefox as opposed to librewolf? Isnt librewolf desinged to prevent fingerprinting?

  • kristina [she/her]
    8 months ago

    progressives are weird tho, i want communist web apps