Debunking NATO propaganda and consent manufacturing means massively massively more than your personal relationships and comfort. I don't want to hear how hard it is to be called a 'shill for Putin'. People should have already been calling you a shill for Assad, for Kim Jong Un, for Xi, for Castro or you have been fucking NEGLIGENT AS LEFTISTS. If you're in the imperial core your primary fucking duty is to anti imperialism. Clearly a lot of you haven't been doing this. Now there are possible nuclear consequences and I see a great deal of you still too fucking chicken shit to stick their necks out for people living under the thumbs of America and NATO. Investigate the situation thoroughly and have an informed, consistent take based in Marxism and historical materialism and then REPEAT IT LOUDLY AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND LET IT BE KNOWN THAT THE WORKERS OF THE WORLD DO NOT STAND FOR THIS. This is supposed to be a board of principled communists, act like it.

Read Combat Liberalism

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    A lot of people come to site and complain about their family or friends being chuds/libs. As far as I am concerned there is a definitely a limit to having relationships that are just maintenance and no benefits and a lot of people end up in the closet not wanting to close those relationships because it is socially wrong somehow.

    Telling your fucking chud boomer father to fuck off for life is perfectly fine, I wouldn't pass any judgement on that. But there are people that couldn't do it even if those people are truly horrible human beings.

    The only thing I'll say is, good joke but keeping toxic relationships may not be worth it period. Like realy real life isn't an RPG don't fall into the trap of collecting friendship points just for the sake of it.