The number of people embracing full fascist social Darwinism towards the poor and immunocompromised is depressing and heartbreaking to say the least.

People should be protesting the poor response to COVID and the poor containment methods/ lack of government support. But nope, people protest about having to give a shit about other people and the flow of their precious treats. Astroturfed or not it still sucks.

We lost the mask mandate where I live recently. It was kind of sad to see most people just ditching the mask with the few who are in the most danger of covid left to fend for themselves.

Like at my work the only customers wearing a mask were a elderly lady and a woman who had cancer. I can't help but feeling that not wearing a mask is a big "fuck you I don't care if you die" to these people.

Just losing faith in humanity here, as a treat. Really makes me not want to take part in society at all.